
Monday, November 17, 2008

What your Birth month means...

aku dapat emel dari kawan aku pasai tajuk kat atas tu..saja la nk suka2..aku pilih bulan oktober tuk amri n november tuk, apa yang aku tulih dalam kurungan tu hanyalah interpretasi aku tuk kami ja..kalo ampa suma yg lahir bulan ni tp xsama, jgn layan..hehe

October (amri 301081)

* Loves to chat (hmm, kalo masuk geng,layan jgk)
* Loves those who loves him (surely!)
* Loves to takes things at the centre (ntah la..)
* Attractive and suave (maybe..attractive 4 me la)
* Inner and physical beauty (hehe..setuju2..)
* Does not lie or pretend (wallahualam..setakat ni alhamdulillah)
* Sympathetic (xjugak..kalo aku majuk, kadang2 wat xlayan je)
* Treats friends importantly (btoi!kadang2 dia kecik ati ngan kwn pendam je la..)
* Always making friends (yup..wpun malu sedikit..)
* Easily hurt but recovers easily (ha, yg ni setuju sangat)
* Bad tempered (huhu..kdg2 selalunya kalo aku degil la)
* Selfish (xde…)
* Seldom helps unless asked (kadang2 ye, kadang x..tgk mood dia)
* Daydreamer (yup!skang tgh berangan asset baru)
* Very opinionated 
* Does not care of what others think (xtau lak aku)
* Emotional (xde makne)
* Decisive 
* Strong clairvoyance 
* Loves to travel, the arts and literature (love travel)
* Soft-spoken, loving and caring (yea!i like..he’s so loving kalo dia xangin la..hehe)
* Romantic (surely!)
* Touchy and easily jealous (suka jeles..wpun wat tatau je..ingat aku tak tau kot..hehe)
* Concerned (terlebey jugak kadang2 tu concern dia)
* Loves outdoors (yup!)
* Just and fair 
* Spendthrift and easily influenced 
* Easily lose confidence (kdg2 je la)

November (me 261182)

* Has a lot of ideas (idea yg kadang2 xmasuk akai)
* Difficult to fathom (abg slalu ckp yg org susah nk paham
* Thinks forward (xjugak..kdg biol jugak)
* Unique and brilliant ( aku mmg unik..hahaha)
* Extraordinary ideas (yeah..mmg luaq biasa la, sampai xterkata!)haha
* Sharp thinking (aku kot len mybe kot..hahaha) 
* Fine and strong clairvoyance 
* Can become good doctors (????..tidakkkkkk)
* Careful and cautious (sungguh aku tidakkkkk) kalo aku hati2 mesti tgn aku xpatah
* Dynamic in personality 
* Inquisitive (yup!hehe..abg kata aku particulars)
* Knows how to dig secrets (o yesss..i like)
* Always thinking (yup, kdg2 bnda yg xpenting pun dipikirnya)
* Less talkative but amiable (oo …I’m talkative and amiable)
* Brave and generous (berani xkena tempat..pemurah pada masanya)hehe
* Patient (tidakkkk jugekk)
* Stubborn and hard-hearted (ha, yg ni la yg abg slalu ckp pasai aku..beoi rupanya)
* If there is a will, there is a way 
* Determined (sesungguhnya..)
* Never give up (tgk time jugakk..)
* Hardly become angry unless provoked (tryla provoked)
* Loves to be alone (tidak…tp den xkesah je dok sorang2..dh besa)
* Thinks differently from others (tu masalahnya, org pikiaq cam len, aku pikiaq kot len)
* Motivates oneself 
* Does not appreciates praises (bukan xappreciate, cuma tatau mcmn nk menerima pujian)
* High-spirited 
* Well-built and tough 
* Deep love (yes!)

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