wah, tajuk xmenahan toi!
xsabaq nk tggu apa?
ai xsabaq nk baca yassin, ni kan malam jumaat..
hehe..selain dr tu..
nk tgk cite korea!
hihi..ni la 'kegilaan' aku ngan laki aku la ni..skali ngan adib pun melayan jugak..
cita Giant!bukan giant nobita tu tau..tp cite ni mmg best..
salahkan laki aku sebab dia yg buat aku terjebak tgk cite ni..dia tgk dr episod 1 lagi..
kat channel 393..
mula2 aku xlayan, sebab aku kalo nk tgk cite korea aku layan stok2 cite yang romantik2, yg nanges2, yang loving2,baru kawaii kan..hahaha..tgk poster cita ni kt atas pun mcm terbantut nk tgk kan..sabaq2..
pastu tgk laki aku dok ngadap bape episod ntah, aku rasa dia cuti time tu..dia dok cita best oo cite giant ni..aku xamek pot pun..sebab tgk cam cita lama ja, 70 an cam tu..cita ni hari rabu n khamis, kul 8 mlm..tp selalu dia tgk ari ahad, ulangan back-to-back la..mmg bangun awai, dok depan tv melekat sampai kui 11pg..
aku tgk 1 episod, tp still xmelekat lagi..cam xkena jiwa lak..cita mcm zaman perang..dh tu, dh la hero ngan heroin xhensem/lawa..org tgk cita korea nk tgk hero hensem2 kan..baru la feeling..pastu ntah camana, tetiba telekat!aku terlupee mcmna aku bleh suka tgk cita ni..aku lupeee...
mmg best cita ni..serious..
aku sendiri xsangka aku bleh terlekat tgk cita ni..tp best gak sebab slalu dok layan cita korea sorang2, tp kali ni ngan laki aku..dia 1st time follow cita korea..sebab dia kata cita ni loving2 kurang sket..hehe
ada gak romantiknya, tp sket2 ja..ada sedih gak..huhu..aku nangis macam budak xdapat aiskrim bila part adik badek yg terpisah lama jumpa balik..wuuaa..mmg sadis gila la..amri pun terkemut2 ja, nk teriak malu kan..tp terkebil2 gak la mata dia..hahaha..aku bedal ja..sampai adib pun nek heran..
la ni baru episod 27, semua ada 60 episod..aku soh amri beli cd dia tamau..xthrill katanya..pastu bila aku google nk tgk camana jadi kat si polan2 ni, balik cita kat dia marah ni..potong stim katanya..hehe..
so, malam ni xsabaq nk tgk kesinambungan cita ni...
ni la pelakon2 utama giant ni..:
ni hero poojaan hatiku skang ni..lee gang mo..mula2 dia xhensem, pastu tetiba dia bleh lak berubah jadi hensem!heheh..karisma gitu..:)..suka tgk dia berlakon..!
ni heroin dia..wpun xda la lawa sgt mcm heroin cita full house tu kan, tp still suka gak ngan dia ni..
ni hensem, tp watak dia jahat..so, potong!;P
ni abg si gang mo tu..sedih gila bila tgk dia ni teriak..time jumpa adik dia tu..huhu...sob2..
haa.yg ni kesayangan laki aku ni..comey kan?ada lesung pipit, watak dia pun comey je..ni adik si gang mo ngan sung mo tu..kot2 la nnti kalo dapat anak pompuan comey mcm ni kan..ahaks!
sinopsis cite ni:
"Giant" covers the lives of the three siblings growing up in the 1970's and their pursuit for revenge; Lee Kang-Mo (Lee Beom-Su), his younger sister Lee Mi-Joo (Hwang Jung-Eum) & his older brother Lee Sung-Mo (Park Sang-Min).
Lee Kang-Mo's father died due to Hwang Tae-Seob (a friend of his father) and Jo Pil-Yeon. Because of this, Lee Kang-Mo lost his mother and had to separate from his younger sister and two brothers. By a cruel twist of fate, Kang-Mo is then raised by Hwang Tae-Seob (Lee Deok-Hwa). Kang-Mo also falls in love with Hwang Tae-Seob's daughter Hwang Jung-Yeon (Park Jin-Hee). Now Lee Kang-Mo & Hwang Jung-Yeon's relationship changes as Lee Kang-Mo becomes driven for revenge.
Lee Mi-Joo (younger sister of Lee Kang-Mo) loves Jo Min-Woo (Joo Sang-Wook). Unfortunately for Lee Mi-Joo, Jo Min-Woo leaves her while Lee Mi-Joo is carrying his baby. After the birth of their baby, Lee Mi-Joo attempts to hide her single mom status from those around her. Mi-Joo finds success in her career, eventually becoming a star. She also becomes the step-daughter of Congressman Oh Byeong Tak, who later passes away from a mysterious accident. Mi-Joo enlists the help of her brother Lee Kang-Mo to destroy her former lover Jo Min-Woo, even though she still loves him.
Lee Sung-Mo (older brother of Lee Kang-Mo) is an agent for the Korean Intelligence Agency. He was picked for the agency by Jo Pil-Yeon (Jeong Bo-Seok) - the man that killed his father. Lee Sung-Mo is then able to find his brother Lee Kang-Mo and younger sister Mi-Joo. He tells his younger brother Lee Kang-Mo that two men, Jo Pil-Yeon and Hwang Tae-Seob, are connected with the death of their father. Lee Sung-Mo carefully details his discovery on paper. Lee Sung-Mo dreams of exacting revenge but is then shot by Jo Min-Woo and becomes disabled ...
uish, panjang lagi ni nk habis!
jom layan cita ni malam ni..
p/s: aku rasa banyak mesej yg boleh dapat dr cita ni, bak dr segi politik, atau pun mcm2 la..hehe

1 comment:
ooh ooh layan korea sudaaaaa
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